The project in intercultural communications and leadership

Truly intercultural project took place for Sumy State University’s students between 4th -16th of December: “Intercultural Communications & Leadership: a Dialogue for Successful Cooperation”. Such projects and workshops give us a hope of bringing up the leaders who will make the world coherent and, in particular, the community of Sumy city & Sumy State University, […]
SumDU is in the TOP-5 of the most cited universities in Ukraine once again according to the results of the Transparent Ranking by Webometrics

The Webometrics Ranking has published the first edition of its subsidiary the Transparent Ranking in the new year. SumDU took 4th place among the most cited universities of Ukraine, second only after Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. The citation analysis tool identifies 210 of the most […]
Library Works Online
Dear Users! According to the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 9, 2020, №1236 SARS-CoV-2 ”from January 8 to 25, 2021, SSU Library cannot accept visitors. We work remotely and provide services online. All registered users still have free access […]
Morocco Celebrates 77th Anniversary of Independence Manifesto

Today we want to congratulate our students from Morocco on the 77th anniversary of the Independence Manifesto. Determined to make Morocco free, 67 members of Morocco’s national movement signed the Manifesto of Independence in January 1944. The Independence Manifesto, in which Morocco demanded freedom, expressed the categorical refusal of Moroccans to continue to live under […]
Access to the Taylor & Francis Group Book Collection
The academic community of Sumy State University has a unique opportunity to access the E-BOOK COLLECTION from Taylor & Francis Group in one click. Access will last until January 31, 2021. The collection contains more than 120,000 books. Books content of the publishing house by thematic areas: economics and finance statistics social sciences humanities mathematics computer science tourism medical sciences […]
SumDU confirms its position in the QS ranking

For the seventh year in a row, Sumy State University occupies a high position in the regional QS ranking among universities from developing European countries and Central Asia – QS EECA. SumDU is 118th in the region and the sixth among Ukrainian universities. The QS EECA ranking aims to study the higher education space of Eastern […]