Innovative learning technologies at the department

Our students strive for development and knowledge. Thanks to the free access to the global educational online platform Coursera, students of Мц.м-740 (Lecturer Iryna Dudchenko) successfully completed courses “Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation” and “Medical Emergencies: CPR, Toxicology, and Wilderness” authorized by the University of Colorado. Students gained unique knowledge with the possibility of […]

Congratulations on the successful defense of the dissertation Kovchun A.

Assistant of the department Kovchun Anna prepared a dissertation about: “Optimization of differential diagnosis and treatment of anemia in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” at specialized Scientific Council at the Sumy State University conferred the Doctor of Philosophy Degree Field of Study Health Program Subject Area Medicine. 

Participation in 89th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress

Assistant of Internal Medicine Department with Respiratory Medicine Center, PhD Chernatska O.M. participated in 89th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress which took place in May 30-June 2, 2021 as a presenter of e-Poster called “Relationship between glycated haemoglobin and lipid profile indicators in patients with  type 2 diabetes mellitus” and received 27 CME-credits.

Columbia University OMInar in Internal Medicine

Assistant Professor, MD, PhD Iryna Dudchenko, hematologist of University Clinic SSU from 4 to 6 May 2021 has successfully attended the Columbia University OMInar in Internal Medicine, organized by Open Medical Institute and its partner institutions, Columbia University (USA) and the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria). Topical issues of hematology, nephrology and interventional cardiology were considered during the seminar.

Scientific and pedagogical internship

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Department with Respiratory Medicine Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences Valentyna Psaryova participated in the scientific and pedagogical internship “Innovative strategies for the development of medical education in Ukraine and EU countries” at Lublin Medical University.